Thursday, February 23, 2012

*Blessings All Around Me...An Important Reflection!*

My "Happy" Shelf

Sooo many things...many good things have been happening for us here...I know things are not always perfect and there are things I still have to wait on...but I know that the Lord does love me and that he always brings us what we need...I count my many blessings because I know that others do not have as much as I have...I know to not look at what I don't have because I value and appreciate all that the Lord has blessed me with.

As I see the news headlines lately, it gets a bit scary at times and discouraging as sometimes makes me wonder if what I do is of any good for mankind.  But then I realize that these times are when it's most important to embrace the gifts that the Lord has entrusted to me...he has given me the gift to bless others in so many ways:

The first is the gift of empathy/compassion for others...sometimes I felt that it was a curse as I care too much and therefore get hurt by others often...but the Lord has shown me how to bounce back and cling to him through the hurting times and then he blesses me when I recieve beautiful gifts from their smiles, hugs and words of appreciation.

He has also given me the gift of voice to use as a way to touch and heal others with my words and in song...I have always been able to teach and speak to groups of people naturally ever since I began singing in the Church Choir in my early twenties, which is amazing as in my childhood and teens I was extremely shy.  So when I began to use my voice in singing and in speach and to teach I began to take that for granted...but lately I've realized just how important those gifts are.

I am also a words and also artistic expression...I write poetry, stories and sometimes even songs...some are silly others deep and emotional...and in my artistic expression as well...I have been realizing alot of things lately and it was amazing to me just how therapuetic painting and writing are...and I feel the desire to share that with others!

*So I feel in the deepest parts of my soul that what I do is important to lift others up...with my artwork, words and in is important what I is an important gift to share with others in the is important to God that I do what he has called me to do with my is my mission to share the beauty of the Lord with others through my is important...and I am blessed!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cre8tvlyYrs Arts & Crafts Design Lab

I am so happy to report that my very 1st *Cre8tvlyYrs Arts & Crafts Design Lab* Valentine Workshop was a siccess!!  Had a good turn out and the most important part is that all the gals were pleased with their projects...that to me was the success!  We are all looking forward to next month's workshop and we already picked a's gonna be a spring/floral theme and I'm gonna call that workshop the "Bloom" can't wait to start on the artwork for those cards & bracelet design.  Here's a few pics of the Valentine Workshop:

Here's the goodies we made...

I am offering a Valentine Cards mini kit in my etsy shop...
Just click on the link below if your interested:

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!  I'll be back soon with the "Bloom" Workshop announcement and samples!  This time I'm gonna start sign ups early so I have more time to put together the kits! :)
Cre8tvlyYrs ~ Gina