Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fall Intentions...

Hello there! I really intended to post yesterday with some really cool fall themed artwork and offer a give away of a print of one of them...and I still do...but it won't be until if you could please bear with me!! I completely forgot that I was going to be watching my baby niece Zoey on Friday and so on Thursday when I remembered, I noticed that my house had fell into the hands of 'Cre8v Chaos'!! This usually happens when I get in the 'Cre8v Zone' ~ I paint and create in a frenzy and when I'm done and see the 'Cre8v Chaos' I realize it's time to get the household back in order!!

So on Thursday I got into a cleaning mood and even cleaned up my dusty front porch and put out my favorite fall decorations! Starting with this adorable Autumn Angel that I painted years ago when I was into tole painting! She's the perfect welcome on our front door for autumn!
And on the left side of the door I gotta put out my little scarecrow and since this plant doesn't flower I add some faux fall flowers!
and can't forget to decorate our home's centerpiece with the autumny look!
Then yesterday I had the pleasure of watching my adorable and oh so cute baby niece Zoey!
So I apoligize for fall'n short on what I had intended on doing yesterday! ;) Please do come back will be an Autumnal Celebration!!! :)

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